What are the pups up to?!

22nd June
Wilma is taking on the role of puppy sitting. She checks in on the pups regularly. Wilma likes to bring the puppies toys, I think with a small agenda of taking away a different toy! She cleans them and continues to be blown away by them!

Adorable Puppies Wilma taking her pup sitting role very seriously.
Puppies tummies are just asking for raspberries to be blown on them.
Pup Sitting Duties
Wilma is that happy – Air Guitar Tail!!
When you always say Pup pup pup pup puppy and a certain someone thinks she is being recalled!!!

23rd June

The puppies are loving the weaning process. So we start them off with puppy mousse that we add warm water too to make it liquidy. They have enjoyed slurping up this yummy liquid. Over the past few days we have reduced the qty of mousse which is then replaced wth soaked, liqiudised puppy kibble. They are eating everything put in front of them! YAY – great work puppies!

Wilma is on watch to clean up the bowls and check on them after they have finished.

Mealtime – part1

Mealtime – part 2

Tilly is an excellent attentive Mumma. Spending up to two hours feeding them is impressive. Tilly pops her head over the top of the whelping box even when they are fast asleep, just to check they are all still there!

The puppies are incredibly sweet and very balanced. Im really enjoying watching their development. They are having such a lovely time in the garden, their confidence is growing all the time!