End of year school report for the class of 2015

We have had a super litter of puppies this year with Maggie.  Her very first litter.  Maggie has been an excellent mother and role model to her charges.

The puppies have all been a bundle of fun and have all been selected for an award.

The most photogenic puppy award goes to Mr Orange, closely followed by the rest of the class!

The pup with the waggiest tail award goes to Mr Red.

The pup who could eat his food the fastest award goes to Mr Purple (aka Humphrey).

The award for great organisation skills goes to a pup who was born to be a leader, goes to Miss Pink.

The award for being a great friend and peacemaker goes to Mr Yellow (an all round great pup to have around in your team!)

The award for being a confident puppy who is not backward at coming forward goes to Mr Blue.

The naughtiest puppy for escaping award goes to….NONE of the puppies.  We did not have any escapees this year!

The award for giving milk for a record of 8 weeks goes to Maggie, with a C.o.M for her perserverance and giving all that she could to her puppies.

Wishing our Class of 2015 all the best for an amazing future with their families.  Hoping they will stay in touch and that a class reunion could be made possible (to include all of our puppies – 5 litters = 33 puppies!)
