Molly with her babies
First born girl – wearing a peach coloured collar
Second born boy – wearing a pale blue collar
Third born boy – wearing a white collar
Fourth born boy – wearing a red collar
Traditionally our first borns have been boys so it is a nice surprise to have a girl as our first born. Ordinarily we usually have some black pups – so this is all a bit new to us having an entirely yellow litter!
Katherine has been a fabulous help, as always. Fetching things for me without any hesitation. Watching Molly when I have needed her to. Taking notes of when the contractions came and also writing down the weights for me. I am so proud of her for being able to think on her feet and be so readily helpful. GREAT JOB KATHERINE
The Pups are feeding well and Molly is being a great Mum :0)

Molly with her pups only a few hours old!